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Category: Direct Mail How To's

On July 27, 2012

Direct Mail Envelope Techniques

We are a sophisticated society. We do open heart surgeries, send men into space, communicate around the world instantly and clone animals. You would think that we would be immune to simple, psychological techniques that play on older, primitive emotions, but in many areas we are like Pavlovian dogs. Some of the direct mail services
On July 27, 2012

Get all your Postage Discounts

No other form of communication offers such direct contact for such a small cost. Direct Mail Options You can tailor your direct mailing campaign to exactly match your needs. Who receives your mailing, what kinds of businesses, when is it mail and how it’s mailed are just a few options. Direct Mailing Service Discounts One
On July 27, 2012

How Effective Is Direct Mail

Research shows direct mail to be a cost-effective means of promoting a business and generating revenue. Direct mail strikes a balance between effectiveness and cost—it is significantly less expensive than methods such as direct-response television ads and telephone solicitation, while it generates more responses than e-mail, magazine, newspaper, and radio ads. It is also more